Cybercriminals combine the use of the internet and social engineering to devise online scams that trick users into revealing personal information, sending money or experiencing other online misfortune.
Common online scams include phishing, vishing, smishing and mobile money scams, and because of these dangers, it is beneficial to adopt security best practices to protect yourself from falling victim.
1. Be alert to the fact that scams are everywhere
Adopt a mindset that understands that the threat of online scams is prevalent and widespread. Treat every interaction with an unfamiliar contact with caution, and where necessary suspicion. Always trust your instincts when they are telling you something is wrong, as most of the time when something seems too good to be true, it probably is.
2. Think twice before clicking suspicious pop-up windows, links or attachments
A sign of a malicious pop-up window is the lure of a prize through clicking action buttons which can initiate downloads of malicious software. Shortened URL links and attachments can equally harbor malicious software that can infect your device.
If you come across a suspicious pop-up window close it and initiate an antivirus scan. When analysing a shortened link or attachment for its safety, ask yourself whether you know who sent the content or why it may have been sent. This will help you to evaluate risk before potentially opening something dangerous.
3. Do not over-share on social media
Sharing some personal information on social media can reveal too much about who you are. Information such as your date and place of birth, home address or phone number, can help malicious actors tailor online scams specifically to you, making them much more dangerous.
4. Use reputable sites for online purchases
Use websites that are reputable and widely used as these are the safest options for inputting sensitive card information. Using unreputable sites leaves you vulnerable to fake sites that may have been set up with malicious intent.
Consider these signs that may indicate that a site is malicious:
The URL does not use https encryption
There is a lack of contact options
The domain name is an attempt to mimic another company
The website features lots of pop-ups and action buttons
The website features grammatical errors or spelling mistakes
5. Keep devices up-to-date
Ensure that all internet-connected devices are updated to their most recent software versions. Applying regular software updates is essential to secure your information and electronic devices. Software updates will update your devices with patches that protect them against malicious software and certain vulnerabilities that online scams can take advantage of.
6. Ensure you have installed antivirus software
Ensure you have installed an anti-virus software on your device, and enabled automatic updates. This is particularly important when protecting yourself from online scams, as it is easy to be deceived into unknowingly downloading malicious content. Run an antivirus scan everyday to ensure your device has not been compromised.